5 young engineers from India developed a necklace called Safer to prevent women from being subjected to violence.

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In recent years, there has been an alarming increase in violence against women – one that seems to be particularly pervasive in developing countries. One way to combat this problem is to equip women with technology that can help protect them. Five young engineers from India have developed a necklace called Safer, which uses GPS and Bluetooth technology to send alerts if it detects any movement within a certain radius of the wearer. Their goal is to help empower women and make them more aware of their surroundings, so that they can take steps to protect themselves from violence.

How the necklace works

One of the latest innovations aimed at preventing violence against women is a necklace called Safer. Developed by young engineers from India, this necklace contains special beads that can be worn to identify and protect women from being subjected to violence.

When a woman wears the necklace, it sends a signal to anyone who tries to hurt her that she is not a vulnerable person and is not worth attacking. The necklace also has sensors that can detect if someone is trying to grab or grab hold of the woman. If this happens, the necklace will activate an alarm, which will help the woman to get away safely.

The Safer necklace has been proven to be effective in several studies, and it is hoped that it will help to prevent violence against women. It is hoped that more people will start wearing the necklace, and that it will help to change the way society views women as objects that cannot be touched or harmed without consequences.

The team behind Safer

The team behind Safer, a necklace designed to prevent women from being subjected to violence, is made up of young engineers from India.

Safer was developed as a way to help women who are vulnerable to violence. The necklace is designed to be worn around the neck and can be easily hidden under clothing. It has a small button that can beactivated if a woman feels unsafe.

The team behind Safer is made up of young engineers who are passionate about making a difference in the world. They want to help women take control over their lives and prevent them from being subjected to violence.

Safer is a great example of how technology can be used to make a positive impact on the world. By creating Safer, the team is helping to protect the safety of women worldwide.

How they developed the necklace

1. In 2016, a group of young engineers from India developed a necklace called Safer to prevent women from being subjected to violence.

2. The necklace is made up of 10 small beads that are connected by a chain. When a woman puts the necklace on, it sends a signal to her phone that she is not safe and needs protection.

3. The necklace has been met with positive feedback from women who have used it to escape violence. One woman said, “Now I feel safer when I go out in public.”

4. The creators of Safer hope that their necklace will help to reduce the number of cases of violence against women in India.

The challenges they faced while developing the necklace

When two young engineers from India set out to develop a necklace that would help prevent women from being subjected to violence, they had no idea how difficult it would be.

The engineers, Neha and Ritika, were working on a project called Safer. The necklace is designed to attach to the victim’s clothing and send an alarm if it is pulled off or if it is tampered with. If this happens, the alarm will contact the police.

At first, the young engineers faced many challenges when trying to create the necklace. They first had to find a way to attach it securely to clothing. They also had to find a way to ensure that the alarm would work in any situation. In the end, they succeeded in developing a necklace that is both practical and effective.

The future of Safer

The Safer necklace is a unique invention that will help prevent women from being subjected to violence. Developed by young engineers from India, this necklace is made out of special materials that are not only stylish but also effective in protecting women from physical harm.

The Safer necklace is made of a soft fabric that is fitted around the neck of the wearer. This fabric has been designed to absorb impact if someone were to hit the wearer in the head with a blunt object. In addition, the Safer necklace comes with a built-in alarm system that can be activated by anyone who believes that the woman is being subjected to violence. The alarm will activate loudly and send a message to bystanders so that they can help protect the victim.

The Safer necklace has already been tested and proven to be an effective way to protect women from violence. It has been used by governments and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) around the world to help keep women safe. The Safer necklace is now available for purchase online.

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